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As the country grapples with deep social division and crisis upon crisis, Mills College simply cannot disappear just as the leaders it develops are most needed—to break barriers, to launch initiatives, to share bold visions for inclusion, to do the hard work. Mills is a Historically Women’s College. It currently serves women, non-binary and trans students at the undergraduate level, and graduate students of all genders.


*** And Because We Haven’t Seen Any

Real Evidence That Mills Is In Financial Peril ***


Mills College is financially viable and does not need to close. Its reaccreditation, audit, and

public records prove this. 


Additionally, we are fighting for the continuation of Mills as a college which centers those pushed to the margins in society:


  • Mills is a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) with 25%+ of undergrads identifying as Hispanic

  • 17% of undergrads are resumers or non-traditional students

  • 65% of undergrads identify as people of color

  • 58% of grad students identify as people of color

  • 44% of undergrads are first-gen

  • 58% of undergrads identify as LGBTQ+

  • The current unrest in the world demonstrates the need for Mills College — a place where we engage across identity groups to build a post pandemic world that is better than our past and the loss of Mills College brings that mission of the socially equitable world further away. The world needs Mills right now.

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